Search query: label/Microsoft

Simple Example of using YAML Node Anchors in Home Assistant

Simple Example of using YAML Node Anchors in Home Assistant

...code. The first instance of the key [rgb_color] is where you define the label (using &) and then the value after ward. So &red is ... Read More

OpenDNS and Internet Filtering.

OpenDNS and Internet Filtering.

Here is a quick write up for my daughter’s school on the various ways to filter websites and keep the students productive and safe. Initially ... Read More

PowerShell Tutorial – How to Keep Tabs on XenApp Printer Queues

...Get-Content 'CitrixServerList.txt' ForEach ($server in $servers) { try { write-host "Processing printers for: " $server " ..." Get-WMIObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue -computerName $server -ea stop | ?{$ ... Read More

EMC extends partnership with Microsoft in the Virtualization world.

EMC extends partnership with Microsoft in the Virtualization world., protection and management of information in Microsoft virtualized environments including Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, Microsoft System Center, and jointly supported mission-critical workloads such as ... Read More

Building my Home alarm system (Hardware Phase)

Building my Home alarm system (Hardware Phase)

...that were permanently closed through a process of elimination).  Once you identify all of your windows and doors, LABEL them! After I had most of ... Read More