Tag: UAG

What’s new in VMware Horizon 2206

What’s new in VMware Horizon 2206

Just ahead of VMware Explore 2022 (formerly VMworld), VMware has released Horizon 2206. They actually snuck in a release of 2203 but it didn't have ... Read More

Enabling SNMP on VMware UAGs

Enabling SNMP on VMware UAGs

I recently had a client ask me about the SNMP capabilities of the VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG) appliances. Specifically how you could enable SNMP ... Read More

Convert PEM to PFX certificates to use with VMware UAGs

Convert PEM to PFX certificates to use with VMware UAGs

Although the VMware Universal Access Gateways can use either PEM certificates or PFX ones, I prefer to use PFX. The problem is that some issuers ... Read More

What is the VMware UAG N+1 Deployment?

What is the VMware UAG N+1 Deployment?

This week I learned about a new deployment method for the VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG). When I say new, I mean new to me. ... Read More

What’s New in VMware UAG 3.10

What’s New in VMware UAG 3.10

The 3.10 version of the Unified Access Gateway was released early July but I have only recently been getting some experience deploying it at clients. ... Read More