Wink is Garbage

I’ve posted before about the changes Wink forced on their user base post-purchase and the time has finally come to ditch the product altogether.
With Home Assistant version 2021.11, Wink is officially dropped from the program. It is no longer a supported integration and therefore as far as I’m concerned, it is dead to me. The whole Wink story is a mess anyway and I had lost faith in them a while back when they decided to change the rules of the hub AFTER purchase to require a mandatory subscription fee.
Wink’s Crappy move to force a Subscription Plan on its existing users
Last week, Wink sent an email to all of its users to inform them that if they did not pay up $5 a month, Wink would render their purchased devices useless. In essence, that is what is happening. They are calling it a subscription but if you do not subscribe, your Wink Hub is basically […]
It was a desperate move to stave off bankruptcy at the cost of the user base who had bought the products without such a requirement.
So with support finally deprecated and removed from the code base, it was time to toss the hardware from my house.
I am curious though what everyone else is doing with their Wink gear? I know almost no one is subscribing to the service and I’ve not found any ways to repurpose the Hub yet. I think the lights and sensors will pair up with a generic ZWave hub so my plan is to try to pair them with my USB ZWave stick. Stay tuned to hear the results of that.
But if anyone has any ideas, please hit me up on twitter.
Thanks and Happy Automating!